Reliabilty prediction model for the first time failure of power distribution transformers

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Mathematics,Obafemi Awolowo University
This study considered a prediction model for the first time failure of power distribution transformers, studied the properties of certain models particularly for the reliability prediction model and fitted the distribution to the data on power holding company of Nigeria in Osun, Ondo, Oyo and Ekiti State. This was with a view to predicting the first time failure of power distribution transformers. Several statistical and mathematical properties of Half exponential power distribution were derived while the parameter using maximum likelihood method was estimated. The shape, scale and location parameters were estimated using optimization method through R language. This method gave the maximum likelihood estimate of the parameters which gave the best fit to the Half exponential power distribution model. The behavior of first time failure of power distribution transformers was predicted with the given parameters especially when a simulation of 50,000 samples were estimated using the rejection sample technique. Under the same condition, this also fitted about the shape and scale parameters. The study concluded that the first time to failure for transformers was predictable under the condition set in Nigeria.
Power distribution, Transformers, Prediction model, Parameters
Ekpo,R.B (2015). Reliabilty prediction model for the first time failure of power distribution transformers. Obafemi Awolowo University