Traditional Education of indigenous midwives in Yoruba-land: A case study in Oyo town
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Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria
Yorubaland : Data were collected through the use of a semi-structured interview schedule or the
pre-requisites for training, duration of training, course content examination and graduation in
traditional midwifery from practicing indigenous midwives in Oyo town.
Analyses of data revealed that factors such as ethnicity, age and maturation are determinants for
eligibility for indigenous midwifery training. The course content used by trainers consists of a
body of knowledge with related skills. The training period ends with a graduation ceremony
which preceeds the assumption of independent
practice. There is post-graduation continuing education in form of interactions between the
erstwhile trainee and his trainer. eased or the findings, it appears justified to conclude that the
training of indigenous midwives is a well-established, semi-formal system of education The
majority of skills and knowledge that are taught appear to be identical with those of western
midwifery practices.
In the light of the findings and conclusions, it is recommended that there is a reed for
Government to maintain a register of indigenous midwives. Government should employ
indigenous midwives. For primary maternal health work after appropriate re-training, The
Government should encourage University departments of Continuing Education in collaboration
with departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology to prepare literacy education for indigenous
Ethnicity, Midwives, Training corriculum, Semi-formal