Effects of Repetitive Audio-Visual Display on Volleyball Skill Acquisition among Non-Athletes Undergraduate Students of a South-Western Nigerian University

Eighteen (18) Freshmen; 12 male and 06 female with age of between 18 and 24, mean 21 years, S.D. 4.5, who are non athletes but indicated interest in playing volleyball game were exposed to a repetitive show of a locally recorded video tape for one hour on volleyball. Subjects of the study were selected through randomization procedure and sorted into groups A, B, and C comprising 02 female and 04 male in each of the groups. Group A, Group B, and Group C viewed the video show once, twice and three times respectively within two weeks. Group A participated with Group C during the first day of viewing, while group B and C, were given further treatments subsequently. Data gathered on skill acquisition were analyzed with descriptive statistics. Results indicate students to gain knowledge in volleyball skill acquisition in reference to overhead serve, reception, volleying and spiking of the ball. It was recommended that locally recorded videotapes be used repeatedly to motivate as well as reinforce skill learning in ball games. The repetition of the view clip seems to have effects on acquisition and mastery of skills. Group B viewed the video clips two times and they performed better than groups A and C. When skill acquisition by gender was analyzed there was no difference in both male and female performances.
Skill Acquisition in Sport, Volleyball skill acquisition, Volleyball skill, Ball games
Adeyanju, Lade (2005). Effects of Repetitive Audio-Visual Display on Volleyball Skill Acquisition Among Non-Athletes Undergraduate Students of a South-Western Nigerian University. The Interdisciplinary Electronic Journal of African Sports.