The use of mass media for adult literacy education in Oyo state

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Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria
This Study was designed to investigate the use of mass media for adult literacy education in 0yo State. Data were collected by checking on past programme schedules, posters, movies and newsprint. Three research instruments were designed and utilized as an additional source of data collection. Analyses of data revealed the following: The one-way analysis of variance results for hypotheses one and three indicated that, there was no change of attitude towards adult literacy education by the civilian and military administrations as revealed in the output of the mass media, and that there was an increase in adult literacy educational output of the mass media in the 1980s. The t. test analysis results for hypotheses two and four, revealed that, there was a significant difference in the adult literacy educational output of the mass their total educational output, there was no significant difference in the proportionate level of adult literacy educational output and children's educational output of the mass media in the 1980s. Based on these findings, the following conclusions appear justified. The electronic media in Oyo State, appear to have given greater attention to adult literacy education, than the print media. Adults in Oyo State, appear not-enthusiastic - about literacy education emanating from either the mass media or other sources. The educational output of the print media are elitist in outlook. In the light of the above findings, and conclusions, the following recommendations are made. The Oyo State government should try to mobilize the people of the State, before any literacy programme or project is introduced to them, Individuals, Religious Organisations cooperative societies and industries should be encouraged to sponsor adult literacy programmes on radio and television.
Mass media, Education, Adult literacy education, Syllabus, Elite, Literacy programmes