Theses and Dissertations

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Theses and Dissertations (Computer Science)


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    Open Access
    Development of a Computational Intelligent System for Short-Term Electric Load Forecasting
    (2015-09-29) Faleye, Abimbola Rashidat
    This study elicited information related to Short-Term Electric Load Forecasting (STELF) and developed an intelligent system based on the information. This was with a view to setting the basis for implementing a commercial software for electric load forecasting. Historical data on Short-Term Electric Load Forecasting for three years ranging from 2004 to 2006 (being the available data) and information on the process involved in Short-Term Electric Load Forecasting were collected from the National Control Centre, Osogbo using interview, observation and contextual inquiries as well as user diary (system logbook). The knowledge embedded in the data and information collected were elicited and represented using fuzzy logic based rules. The fuzzy knowledge space was developed using fuzzy logic tool in Matlab 7 and Fuzzy Decision Tree software (FID 3.4). The data for the year 2004 and 2005 was used to develop the system. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed model, electric load forecasting was performed on National Control Centre data. The randomly selected data from 2004 and 2005 was used for model validation while the data for 2006 was used for model verification. An intelligent system was developed and used to produce a 24-hour ahead forecasting of electric load. The prediction results from the proposed model (Fload) and that of the conventional model (F) were compared with the actual load based on fractional errors computed. The fractional errors were the variations from the actual load. The average fractional errors for Fload and F for the different periods are: January 1st 2004 (0.12 and 0.45), June 5th 2004 (24.91 and 42.95), March 2nd 2005 (0.14 and 1.10), September 4th 2005 (0.22 and 0.88) and January Ist 2006 (0.22 and 0.78). The average fractional forecast errors for the proposed model were less than that of the conventional model to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The study concluded that the use of fuzzy logic in short-term electric load forecasting gave more accurate results than using the conventional model, hence the advantage of the proposed model over the conventional model.
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    Open Access
    Development of a Job Coordination Model for Grid Computing Architecture
    (2015-09-23) Adeyelu, Adekunle Adedotun
    This research work developed and simulated a homogeneous architecture for job coordination on a high throughput grid computing system in order to allow for platform independent and decentralized programming of all categories of jobs in grid computing environment. A job coordination model using a shared memory data structure based on Objective Linda coordination language was formulated. The scheme worked by posting data from the worker nodes to this memory using templates and retrieving it using associative pattern matching. The model was analyzed theoretically and simulated using Java programming language. Performance analyses were carried out using the following parameters: delay time and effectiveness. The results showed that delay times changed in a predictable pattern for all events. As the number of nodes used for processing jobs increased from 100 to 700, delay time reduced from 7.425 ms/node to 5.724 ms/node and increased from 17.930 ms/node to 18.095 ms/node for migration and checkpointing events respectively. Also, as the number of nodes on the grid for migration with checkpointing events increased from 200 to 900, the delay time reduced from 38.240 ms/node to 34.640 ms/node. The results further showed that the introduction of a memory management scheme reduced the overall delay time over the conventional memory scheme by 24.64%. This study concluded that the developed model has decentralized, interoperable and homogeneous capabilities and utilized shared memory data structure concept. The simulated model proved to be effective and efficient for running different categories of jobs on grid. The scheme will attract developers of high throughput grid.
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    Open Access
    Development of a Server Switching Model for Internet Performance Improvement
    (2015-08-24) Adeosun, Olajide Olusegun
    This study developed a model and an algorithm for simulating the automatic server switching Internet connectivity. It also evaluated the performance of the developed model. This was with a view to eliminating the roll back problems associated with current Standby Replacement scheme and thereby providing uninterrupted Internet services. A non-intrusive server switching Internet system connectivity la, as designed using Markovian a.nd Stationarity processes to identify and absorb faults impairing the Internet services performance. System failure was measured discretely, or "counted", together with stationarity ruses using Markovian processes. The Markovian and Stationarity processes were used to develop the algorithm for the simulation program that implemented the server switching process. A simple architecture based on Basic Fault-Tolerant architecture was developed for the server switching. This was simulated using Microsoft Visual Basic version 6.0. The performance of the system was tested on Series, Triplicated Modular Redundancy and Standby Replacement schemes. The performance evaluation of the developed algorithm was carried out by written codes for the implementation of the algorithm in Microsoft Visual Basic version 6.0. The results showed that the model of a single connection is characterized by three non-negative parameters: the transition rate λj from state 0 to state 1, the transition rate μj; from state 1 to state 0, and the transfer rate Bwj; when in state 1. The algorithm defined O j (t ) the total time spent by the network connection from proxy server Sj to the client in state active (i.e. Xj (t) = 1) during, the interval [0, t] which represented the operational time distribution of the Markov process X over the interval [0,t]. Also, the results showed that server switching Internet connectivity had Internet performance improvement of 5.96% over the existing single server model of Internet connectivity. Markovian and Stationarity rules enabled automatic switching over from faulty server to the next immediate viable spare. Similarly, the rollback problem associated with Standby Replacement scheme during system down time was removed by deployment and redeployment of faulty server. The developed model exhibited 99.98% system availability with 0.019% deviation from the expected standard (99.999%) while the existing Standby Replacement scheme had 99.68 system availability with 0.319% deviation. The study concluded that the developed automatic server switching technique provided increased system availability for Internet users.
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    Open Access
    A Collaborative Software Development Model for Co-Located and Virtual Teams
    (2015-08-06) Elias, Olaronke Ganiat
    This study investigated the factors affecting collaborative software development in developing countries, constructed a model for collaborative software development and assessed the effectiveness. This was with a view to increasing usability of software systems and reducing risks involved in software development process. The research employed an exploratory study design to obtain information on collaborative software development practices in developing countries. Interview and questionnaire were used to obtain data from software developers in Lagos, Ibadan and Ile-Ife. Eleven software developers in six software development companies in Lagos and Ibadan were purposively selected for interview. The interview elicited information on factors affecting collaborative software development in developing countries, the effect of the factors on collaborative software development and the procedures for collaborative software development. Questionnaire was administered on fifty randomly selected software developers in Lagos, Ibadan and Ile-Ife to obtain information on the ideologies behind collaborative software development, the challenges faced by developers and approaches to mitigating risks in software development process. The collaborative software development model was constructed in Unified Modelling Language using ArgoUML Computer Aided Systems Engineering tool. The model was assessed for effectiveness using case problems in Nigeria with the application of association-end-multiplicity and class attribute criteria. The results showed that effective communication, group or team conflict, inadequate requirement analysis, interoperability, standardization and software development methodology were the factors affecting collaborative software development in developing countries. The collaborative software development model showed the interactions among the software developers engaged in collaborative software development process. The association-end-multiplicity criterion that was used for testing association among the classes in the model showed that the model was effective. Furthermore, the class attribute criterion showed that the behaviour of the model was also effective. It was concluded that effective requirement analysis, security, communication, effective software development methodology and interoperability were important for effective collaborative software development practices. It was also concluded that the constructed model would enhance collaborative software development process in developing countries and also reduce the risks associated with collaborative software development.
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    Open Access
    Development of a Pathology Information System Using Mobile Agent Technology
    (2015-04-28) Nasir, Musiliat Ibijoke
    This work developed and implemented a mobile agent based software for gathering pathology investigation results with a view to reducing the delay involved in the system. The software developed was based on the waterfall model. The requirement analysis for the software developed was carried out by selecting pathologists in four hospitals. Focus group interviews were carried out to establish the existing procedure of pathology investigation result gathering. The modules identified after the focus group interview consisted of Configure, Search, Send report, Retrieve result and Update registration. These modules were designed using object oriented technique. The designed modules were implemented using the Java Programming Language, while its database was implemented using the Microsoft Access 2000 engine. The developed software was tested using rapid prototyping technique. The mobile agent based system developed was implemented and tested using four personal computers which run on heterogeneous platform and a bandwidth of 5kbps. The mobility feature enables mobile agent to migrate to remote hosts where information is stored to execute user's request autonomously. "The tested parameters in the interaction include Full Blood Count (FBC), Packed Cell Volume (PCV), White Blood Cell (WBC), isolate sensitivity to antibiotics like Penicillin G (Benzyl Penicillin), Ampicillin, Nitrofurantoin, Bilirubin Total, Conjugate Bilirubin, Calcium and Protein. The result showed that for a single request, the transmission time was 1 second for both the proposed technique which is agent based and non-agent based technique for a bandwidth of 5kbps. However, for more than one request using the same bandwidth, the transmission time for the proposed model was 5 seconds as against the transmission time of 10 seconds for the non-agent based system. The proposed approach provides cost effective solution and generate lower server delay overhead which resulted into 98% efficiency as against non-agent system with efficiency of 55%. In addition, the designed and implemented agent based system has quicker retrieval of pathology investigation results from hospitals in the network. It is concluded that this mobile agent based system is a recommendable infrastructure to facilitate collaboration among health care providers for effective diagnosis and treatment of patients.