Mathematical Model for Information Technology Infusion for Healthcare Sector in Nigeria
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IGI Global
In this article, an IT infusion model was developed for the Nigerian health sector
using teaching hospitals in Nigeria. The different IT technologies used by medical
practitioners were identified. Structured questionnaires were used to elicit knowledge
from respondents selected from teaching hospitals located in Nigeria. The results
showed that the nurses and doctors with less than 5 years working experience were
common users of IT. The results for the IT infusion showed that the earliest IT
component in the health sector was the personal computer since the year 1994 followed
by mobile phone and search engines by the year 1996 with the projector infused by the
year 2001. The infusion model for the total number of users for each IT component was
formulated using polynomial functions of degree, n with respect to t – the number of
years after the base year of infusion of IT device. The IT infusion model developed in
this paper can be used to forecast the future growth of IT within the healthcare sectors
Vol.2, No.2
DOI: 10.4018/IJCCP.2017070101
Descriptive Statistics, Information Technology, Infusion Model, Teaching Hospitals