Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Theses and Dissertations

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    Open Access
    The Biology of the fish genus clarias in Opa reservoir, Obafemi Awolowo University
    (Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Obafemi Awolowo University., 1995) ABAYOMI, Olatokunbo Solomon
    A study on the identification , distribution, food and feeding habits, pattern of reproduction, and fecundity , age and growth and types of parasites affecting the fish genus clarias was carried out in Opa reservoir between 1989 and 1992.
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    Open Access
    Capability development in adopting active technology transfer strategy in Nigeria Industries.
    (Department of Technology Management, Falculty of Technology, Obafemi Awolowo University., 1998) Ephraim Chukwuma OKEJIRI
    The main technology acquisition strategy of most developing countries including Nigerian is based on the concept of technology transfer which emphasizes importation of production technology. This development strategy which emerged post second world war era had roots in the revolutionary theory of social change.
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    Open Access
    Physiological Ecology of diatoms in some freshwaters around Ile-Ife.
    (Department of Botany, Falcuty of Science, Obafemi Awolowo University., 1993) OKUSAMI, Victoria Bamidele
    An ecological study on diatoms was carried out on six water bodies both inside and outside the Obafemi Awolowo campus, Ile-Ife, (O.A.U) with a view to relating their occurrence and diversity with prevalent environmental conditions. There water bodies include Opa reservoir on O.A.U. campus, two permanent ponds on O.A.U. Teaching and Research Farm. Oduduwa College Fish pond in Ife town and two streams on Tonkere road near the University gate
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    Open Access
    The application of seismic sequence stratigraphy in petroleum prospect generation and field appraisal in afam channel, Niger Delta.
    (Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Obafemi Awolowo University, 2010) Freeborn Etegbalor OKPIKORO
    Discovery of Afam oil fields, Niger delta was based on 2D seismic data which delineated mainly structural traps. Recent studies indicate that there are additional reservoirs that are stratigraphically controlled in channel settings. This research is aimed at revaluating oil fields within the Afam Channel area through mapping and validating hydrocarbon reserviour facies, locate bypassed ones, identify new prospect areas and subdivides the Afam Channel sequence into lithostratigraphic hierarchies.
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    Open Access
    Moss, surface runoff and associated sediments as indicators of metal and trace organic pollution in Lagos, Ile Ife and Osogbo areas
    (Department of Chemistry Obafemi Awolowo University, 2000) OGUNFOWOKAN Aderemi Okunola
    The levels of sediments and mosses (PAHs) and trace elemental composition of runoff and associated sediments and road side moss samples, Barbula lambarenesis (p.vard) were determined by Gas-liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry (GC_MS), Atomic absorption (AAS) and capillary Electrophoresis n(CE) techniques. The aims of the study were to develop a simple and efficient procedure for the GC_MS measurement and identification of PAHs in surface runoffs, sediments and mosses of Lagos, Ile-Ife and Osogbo areas determine areas